Monday, March 30, 2015

Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition - or why I might buy the same game twice

Capcom announced today that Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition will be released June 2015 for Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC. It's interesting to see the company go back to the franchise pre-reboot, especially hot on the heels of DMC: Definitive Edition, which debuted earlier this month.  Normally I don't pay attention to "remastered" releases, even of my favorite games.  However, after seeing the announcement trailer, this game should be cited as an example of a "special edition" done right.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Come into my parlor said the spider to the hero - thoughts on Tomb of the Spider Queen

As many League of Legends players will tell you, when any online game has several maps or modes available, queue times will naturally be longer or shorter as maps fall in and out of favor with the player-base.  Anyone looking for a good game on Twisted Treeline or Dominion can attest to that (self included).  Eventually, even those who like the less popular maps will give up because it simply takes too damn long to find a game.  Blizzard got around this by taking out the element of choice and making each game take place on a random battleground.  While this approach presumably allows Heroes of the Storm to have a great deal more maps and game modes than its competition, it brings its own set of limitations.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Heroes of the Dorm - or Blizzard Hunger Games

Maybe no one's going to die, but for the final contestants the prize may well be your life.  And what will participating cost all the rest who don't even get close?

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Thoughts on Overwatch and what it means for MOBAs

I'm sure the title has you confused - Overwatch, while certainly taking some MOBA aspects, is still very much a first person shooter.  Or is it?  Up until recently, I had spared little thought for Blizzard's upcoming shooter, having been obsessively following the development of their other project, Heroes of the Storm.  Thanks to a Founders' Pack, I'm now in the Heroes beta, and the tunnel vision seems to have cleared somewhat.  So when Blizzard announced this past weekend at PAX East that the Overwatch beta was slated for Fall 2015, it seemed like a good time to take a look at their first new franchise in 17 years.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Guide Spotlights #2 - Heroes of the Storm

Welcome to "Guide Spotlights", the series where I highlight a community member who has been producing quality content to help their fellow players.