Friday, March 21, 2014

New Fizz and Syndra skins!

Happy second day of spring!  Besides the end of winter, Fizz and Syndra fans have more to look forward to with the potential upcoming release of two new skins.  Both are currently on the PBE, so as with all unreleased content, just about everything is subject to change - including particles, animations, sounds and visual effects.  While it's a relatively safe bet these will be coming out soon, a leaked video is no guarantee of imminent release - Scorched Earth Renekton was on hold for more than a year after the video hit YouTube but before being the skin was available for purchase.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Thoughts on Strife

Sounds pretty philosophical doesn't it?  Well, if you take in the context as my mother always says, you'll probably guess that I'm not going to explore the meaning of suffering.  Instead, we're here to talk about Heroes of Newerth creator, S2 Games' quirky and (despite its name) decidedly more lighthearted new MOBA.  Bear in mind, I've played League for about the last 4 years with only the occasional DotA foray so my comparisons may be skewed towards the former.  For those of you who haven't walked away in contempt- read on.