Monday, February 2, 2015

Classic League of Legends champion Tristana gets a long-awaited update

Patch 5.2 is now live, and with it the Tristana visual and kit rework.  Though I can't speak as a Tristana main, at least as a Tristana fan, I love the end result for its thematic cohesion.  I haven't even played her in a couple of years but our pint-sized gunner still holds a special place in my heart.  Tristana was one of the first champions I ever played when I started League that summer four and half years ago (Season 1 in League terms).  She was also quite likely the first ADC, attack damage carry for those who know them as Marksmen, that I played back when they were still called ADCs.  The memory gave me a fair bit of investment in her champion update.

Riot Girl Tristana splash art.
I think it's safe to say the same is true for many of my fellow summoners who started playing in 2010.  Around that time, Riot began a promotion in which players could like the League Facebook page to get a code for the free Riot Girl Tristana skin (which in fact continues to this day).  This was before in-game gifting, starter packs or even pre-paid cards - you could only get new champions by accumulating the necessary IP or skins by breaking out the credit card for the Riot points.  A free champion and skin (even if it was a recolor) was a great deal that we all pounced on as new players.

Riot Girl Tristana before and after.
A champion update is supposed to more fully realize character and gameplay - bring it more in line with what it was supposed to be originally but couldn't due to constraints from lack of time, tech or staff.  Sometimes matching it up with the developer's vision feels like a complete re-imagining to the players, which is rarely welcome and why the idea of a "rework" of one's favorite champion can be a frightening prospect.  However in the case of the Yordle Gunner, I have the feeling the developers and community will be on the same wavelength.  Tristana never played like your standard marksman.  With her signature rocket jump ability, she's constantly on the move, more often in the thick of the fight than the back line.  So her voice-overs and animations expanded that to an aspect of her character, conveying she's not your standard soldier either, charging ahead of her team like a cannonball of barely contained energy.

Tristana's new model and animations.
While she may not be as massive an overhaul as Sion in terms of gameplay and visuals, or be one of the other updates fans have been asking for (Evelyn, anyone?), but being one of the original 40 champions in the game makes her way past due to be brought up to the current standards.  Riot is aiming for all champions to have a unique mechanic in their skill set and rocket jump on its own didn't quite cut it, even with the resets.  The new explosive charge ability and being able to cast abilities while rocket jumping adds that extra play making potential her kit needed.  Check out the video below for some examples from Riot Shoutcaster Phreak.

I for one, suspect that Tristana may be rocket jumping back onto my champion roster.


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